Problems with “stupid”

Stupid. A word I have used so many times for many years. It's easy, simple, versatile and vitriolic if you want it to be. Dismissive and gratifying. But these are also things that can be wrong with it. It's a hard habit to shake, but I think it's worth trying, or at the very least …

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International Women’s Day: action

I see a lot of people and orgs starting their posts with "Happy International women's day!" (or... that's the whole post) and, well... what? The "happy!" imperative unsettles me, because, while we absolutely can and should celebrate women and women's achievements on this day, that part is a bit of a distraction/not the point, to …

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What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy - there's nothing in it. People often confuse 'homeopathy' for all 'home remedies' but it's a specific kind of alternative medicine quackery that involves diluting substances til none of them remain and believing that water has 'memory', and 'like-cures-like'; neither of which are true!

The denial of women’s capacity for knowledge

This post is based on an essay I wrote for a Women in Philosophy class I took at a California college and I wanted to share it here. I plan to read the rest of Miranda Fricker's book when I get my hands on a copy; I loved this chapter reading because it provided me …

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Bleachgate reaches the White House

Recent events necessitate this update. Trump is now part of #Bleachgate. This is not something I expected to be writing, honestly - although recently, others have seen it coming. Content warning for child abuse. I've been preparing to do a roundup of some COVID19 stuff because it's mostly what people are talking about and there's …

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